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blue_green_flames.py (6537B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      3 import time
      4 from rpi_ws281x import Color
      5 import random
      6 import sys
      7 import PyIgnition, pygame, os
      8 import subprocess
      9 import math
     11 import patterns
     13 class BlueGreenFlames(patterns.Pattern):
     14     def __init__(self, strip, led_matrix_width, led_matrix_height, led_strip_snake, opts=None):
     15         patterns.Pattern.__init__(self, strip=strip, led_matrix_width=led_matrix_width, led_matrix_height=led_matrix_height, led_strip_snake = led_strip_snake, opts=opts)
     16         # This mode works great with LED_BRIGHTNESS set to 16.
     17         self.SCALE=40 # Scaling factor for screen
     19         # Also show in window?
     20         # self.HEADLESS=False
     21         self.HEADLESS=True
     23         if self.HEADLESS:
     24             # On Raspbian, setting a dummy videodriver
     25             # does not prevent pygame from trying to
     26             # open a X display. Therefore we use a
     27             # virtual framebuffer.
     28             os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy"
     29             subprocess.Popen(["Xvfb", ":1", "-screen", "0", "1024x768x24"],
     30                              stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
     31             time.sleep(1)
     32             os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":1"
     34         pygame.display.init()
     35         self.screen = pygame.Surface((math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width),
     36                                       math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height)))
     37         self.screen_scaled = pygame.display.set_mode((math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width*self.SCALE),
     38                                                  math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height*self.SCALE)))
     39         pygame.display.set_caption("Blue Green Fire")
     40         self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
     42         self.fire = PyIgnition.ParticleEffect(self.screen, (0, 0),
     43                                               (math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width),
     44                                                math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height)))
     45         gravity = self.fire.CreateDirectedGravity(strength=0.1, direction=[0, -1])
     47         # Behavior of blue particles
     48         self.blue_flames = []
     49         blue_flames_scale_factor = 4
     50         for x_pos in range(0, math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width),
     51                            math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width//5)):
     52                 new_flame = self.fire.CreateSource(pos=(x_pos, self.led_matrix_height*1.1),
     53                                                    initspeed = .01, initdirection = 0.0,
     54                                                    initspeedrandrange = .1,
     55                                                    initdirectionrandrange = 0.5,
     56                                                    particlesperframe = 1,
     57                                                    particlelife = 100,
     58                                                    drawtype = PyIgnition.DRAWTYPE_CIRCLE,
     59                                                    colour = (65, 25, 255),
     60                                                    radius = self.led_matrix_width/32.0*blue_flames_scale_factor)
     61                 new_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(1, colour = (65, 25, 255),
     62                                                  radius = self.led_matrix_width/32.0*blue_flames_scale_factor)
     63                 new_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(3, colour = (0, 0, 190),
     64                                                  radius = self.led_matrix_width/32.0*blue_flames_scale_factor)
     65                 new_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(6, colour = (25, 25, 65),
     66                                                  radius = self.led_matrix_width/32.0*blue_flames_scale_factor)
     67                 new_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(9, colour = (0, 0, 0),
     68                                                  radius = self.led_matrix_width/32.0*blue_flames_scale_factor)
     69                 self.blue_flames += [new_flame]
     71         # Behavior of green particle
     72         self.green_flame_x = self.led_matrix_width / 2
     73         self.green_flame_y = self.led_matrix_height + 1
     74         self.green_flame = self.fire.CreateSource(pos=(self.green_flame_x, self.green_flame_y),
     75                                                   initspeed = .3, initdirection = 0.0,
     76                                                   initspeedrandrange = .3,
     77                                                   initdirectionrandrange = 0.5,
     78                                                   particlesperframe = 1, particlelife = 100,
     79                                                   drawtype = PyIgnition.DRAWTYPE_CIRCLE,
     80                                                   colour = (255, 255, 130),
     81                                                   radius = self.led_matrix_width/36.0)
     82         self.green_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(5, colour = (65, 255, 25),
     83                                                 radius = self.led_matrix_width/36.0)
     84         self.green_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(10, colour = (0, 190, 0),
     85                                                 radius = self.led_matrix_width/36.0)
     86         self.green_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(15, colour = (25, 65, 25),
     87                                                 radius = self.led_matrix_width/36.0)
     88         self.green_flame.CreateParticleKeyframe(20, colour = (0, 0, 0),
     89                                                 radius = self.led_matrix_width/36.0)
     91     def step(self):
     92         # Draw on screen
     93         self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
     94         self.green_flame_x = random.randint(0, math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width)-1)
     95         self.green_flame.pos = (self.green_flame_x, self.green_flame_y)
     96         if self.green_flame.curframe % 10 == 0:
     97                 self.green_flame.ConsolidateKeyframes()
     98         for b in self.blue_flames:
     99                 if b.curframe % 30 == 0:
    100                         b.ConsolidateKeyframes()
    101         self.fire.Update()
    102         self.fire.Redraw()
    103         pygame.transform.scale(self.screen, (math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width*self.SCALE),
    104                                              math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height*self.SCALE)),
    105                                self.screen_scaled)
    106         pygame.display.update()
    107         # Draw on LED matrix
    108         fb = pygame.PixelArray(self.screen)
    109         for y in range(math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height)):
    110             for x in range(math.ceil(self.led_matrix_width)):
    111                 r = fb[x][y] >> 16 & 0xFF
    112                 g = fb[x][y] >> 8 & 0xFF
    113                 b = fb[x][y] & 0xFF
    114                 self.strip.setPixelColor(self.xy2i(x,
    115                                                    math.ceil(self.led_matrix_height)-1-y),
    116                                          Color(r, g, b))
    117         self.strip.show()
    118         self.clock.tick(5)