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eris2010.cfg (1502B)

      1 # Based on none.cfg from CC65 repository.
      3 FEATURES {
      4     STARTADDRESS: default = $200;
      5 }
      6 SYMBOLS {
      7 	# Two software stacks are defined: One data stack for the Eris 2010 OS
      8 	# and the parameter stack of CC65.
      9 	# Eris stack occupies $0200 bytes (enough to store one SD card block)
     10 	# right below the RAM IRQ vector
     11     __ERIS_STACK_START__:  type = weak, value = $7FFD-$0200;
     12     __STACKSIZE__:  type = weak, value = $1000; # 4k stack
     13     __STACKSTART__: type = weak, value = __ERIS_STACK_START__; # $7FFE/$7FFF store RAM IRQ vector
     14     __ZPSTART__:    type = weak, value = $0011; # From rom_zero_page_end
     15 }
     16 MEMORY {
     17     ZP:   file = "", define = yes, start = __ZPSTART__, size = $0100-__ZPSTART__;
     18     MAIN: file = %O,               start = %S,          size = __STACKSTART__ - __STACKSIZE__ - %S;
     19 }
     20 SEGMENTS {
     21     ZEROPAGE: load = ZP,   type = zp;
     22     STARTUP:  load = MAIN, type = ro,  optional = yes;
     23     LOWCODE:  load = MAIN, type = ro,  optional = yes;
     24     ONCE:     load = MAIN, type = ro,  optional = yes;
     25     CODE:     load = MAIN, type = rw;
     26     RODATA:   load = MAIN, type = rw;
     27     DATA:     load = MAIN, type = rw;
     28     BSS:      load = MAIN, type = bss, define   = yes;
     29 }
     30 FEATURES {
     31     CONDES: type    = constructor,
     32             label   = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
     33             count   = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
     34             segment = ONCE;
     35     CONDES: type    = destructor,
     36             label   = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
     37             count   = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__,
     38             segment = RODATA;
     39 }