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load_from_card.asm (4574B)

      1 ;;; Copyright 2021 Gerd Beuster ( This is free
      2 ;;; software under the GNU GPL v3 license or any later version. See
      3 ;;; COPYING in the root directory for details.
      5 ;;; Don't have to include OS stuff if we are part of the OS.
      6 .weak
      7 	LOAD_FROM_CARD_EMBEDDED = false
      8 .endweak
     10 	.include ""
     11 .endif
     14 .dsection code
     16 .section code
     18 ;;; -----------------------------------
     19 ;;; 
     20 ;;; Main
     21 ;;; 
     22 ;;; -----------------------------------
     24 .section zero_page
     25 delay0:	.byte ?
     26 delay1:	.byte ?
     27 delay2:	.byte ?
     28 .send zero_page
     30 init:
     31 	.block
     32         cld
     33 .if SYMON
     34 	jsr io.init_acia
     35 	jsr via.init
     36 .endif
     38 	;;  Wait for key to start
     39 	jsr io.getc
     40 .endif	
     41 	#ds.INIT_STACK $7ffd-$0400
     42 	jsr ls_or_autostart
     43 	jsr choose_program
     44 	bcc execute
     45 	jmp ($fffc)		; Reset
     46 	.bend
     48 	load_address = $0200
     50 choose_program:
     51 	.block
     52         lda via.ddra		; Set
     53 	ora #%00010000		; PA4
     54 	sta via.ddra		; as output.
     55 	lda #$00		; Prepare
     56 	sta delay0		; for
     57 	sta delay1		; PA4
     58 	lda #$03		; blink.
     59 	sta delay2
     60 	#io.PRINTSNL "Choose program (0-9). Any other key reloads card."
     61 wait_for_input:
     62 	dec delay0
     63 	bne dont_blink
     64 	dec delay1
     65 	bne dont_blink
     66 	dec delay2
     67 	bne dont_blink
     68 	lda #$03
     69 	sta delay2
     70 	lda via.ra		; Blink
     71 	eor #%00010000		; PA4
     72 	sta via.ra
     73 dont_blink:	
     74 	jsr io.getc_nonblocking
     75 	bcs wait_for_input
     76 	sec
     77 	sbc #'0'
     78 	cmp #$0a		; Sets carry if not a digit
     79 	pha
     80 	pla
     81 	rts
     82 	.bend
     85 execute:
     86 	.block
     87 	pha
     88 	jsr ds.create_stack_frame
     89 	#ds.PUSH 4			; Local variables
     90 	pla
     91 	pha			; Save application number
     92 	;; Each app has 2**16 blocks, app number is in A, therefore
     93 	;; the address of the app is [#$00, A, #$00, #$01]
     94 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 1
     95 	#io.PRINTS "Loading and executing program "
     96 	#ds.lda_LOCAL 1
     97 	clc
     98 	adc #'0' 
     99 	jsr io.putc
    100 	#io.PRINTSNL "."
    101 	lda #$00
    102 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 0
    103 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 2
    104 	lda #$01
    105 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 3
    106 	#mem.COPY_WORD_ABSOLUTE_INDIRECT ds.ptr, ; Read block
    107 	#ds.PUSH $0200		; to stack
    108 	#ds.CALL sd.read_block, [0, 1, 2, 3], #ds.lda_LOCAL
    109 	#ds.PULL $0200		; Reset stack pointer to block read
    110 	#mem.COPY_WORD_IMMEDIATE load_address, ; Set Target address
    111 	lda (ds.ptr)	; Number of blocks
    112 read_next_block:	
    113 	pha
    114 	;; Advance to next block on card
    115 	clc
    116 	#ds.lda_LOCAL 3
    117 	adc #$01
    118 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 3
    119 	#ds.lda_LOCAL 2
    120 	adc #$00
    121 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 2
    122 	#ds.CALL sd.read_block, [0, 1, 2, 3], #ds.lda_LOCAL ; Read block
    123 	#mem.ADD_WORD, $0200			    ; Advance to next block
    124 	pla
    125 	dec a
    126 	bne read_next_block
    127 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    128 	;; Done.
    129 	;; Turn off blinkenlight and execute program
    130 	lda via.ra
    131 	and #%11101111
    132 	sta via.ra
    133         jsr via.init
    134 	pla			; Application number stored on stack
    135 	jmp load_address	; passed to program executed.
    136 	.bend
    139 	;; List programs on card
    140 ls_or_autostart:
    141 	.block
    142 	jsr ds.create_stack_frame
    143 	jsr
    144 	;; List files on card
    145 	#mem.COPY_WORD_ABSOLUTE_INDIRECT ds.ptr, ; Read block
    146 	#ds.PUSH $0200					; to stack
    147 	#ds.CALL sd.read_block, [#$00, #$00, #$00, #$00], lda
    148 	#ds.PULL $0200		; Reset stack pointer to point to block read
    149 	ldy #$00
    150 	lda (ds.ptr)
    151 	cmp #$15		; Check FS type
    152 	beq cont
    153 	jmp not_supported
    154 cont:	
    155 	iny
    156 	lda (ds.ptr),y
    157 	cmp #$e2		; Check FS type
    158 	beq cont1
    159 	jmp not_supported
    160 cont1:	
    161 	iny
    162 	lda (ds.ptr),y
    163 	cmp #$00		; Check FS version
    164 	beq cont2
    165 	jmp not_supported
    166 cont2:
    167 	iny
    168 	lda (ds.ptr),y
    169 	cmp #$ff		; Check autostart
    170 	beq list_files		; No autostart
    171 	;; Autostart
    172 	pha
    173 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    174 	pla
    175 	jmp execute
    176 list_files:	
    177 	lda #$00		; File number
    178 dir_entry_loop:
    179 	pha
    180 	clc
    181 	adc #'0'
    182 	jsr io.putc
    183 	#io.PRINTS ": "
    184 	;; Each app has 2**16 blocks, therefore
    185 	;; the address of app i is [#$00, #i, #$00, #$01]
    186 	lda #$00
    187 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 0
    188 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 2
    189 	lda #$01
    190 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 3
    191 	pla
    192 	pha
    193 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 1
    194 	#ds.PUSH 4
    195 	#mem.COPY_WORD_ABSOLUTE_INDIRECT ds.ptr, ; Read block
    196 	#ds.PUSH $0200		; to stack
    197 	#ds.CALL sd.read_block, [0, 1, 2, 3], #ds.lda_LOCAL
    198 	#ds.PULL $0200		; Reset stack pointer to block read
    199 	lda (ds.ptr)	; Number of blocks
    200 	beq filename_printed	; This spot is not occupied
    201 	pha
    202 	#mem.COPY_WORD_ABSOLUTE_INDIRECT ds.ptr, io.puts_str
    203 	#mem.ADD_WORD io.puts_str, $01	; Start of filename
    204 	jsr io.puts
    205 	#io.PRINTS " ("
    206 	pla
    207 	pha
    208 	jsr io.putd
    209 	pla
    210 	cmp #$01
    211 	beq one_block
    212 	#io.PRINTS " blocks)"
    213 	jmp filename_printed
    214 one_block:
    215 	#io.PRINTS " block)"
    216 filename_printed:
    217 	jsr io.putnl
    218 	#ds.PULL 4
    219 	pla
    220 	inc a
    221 	cmp #$0a
    222 	bcs done
    223 	jmp dir_entry_loop
    224 done:	
    225 	clc
    226 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    227 	rts
    228 not_supported:
    229 	#io.PRINTSNL "This filesystem is not supported."
    230 	sec
    231 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    232 	rts
    233 	.bend
    235 end_of_code:
    236 .send code