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term.asm (4472B)

      1 ;;; Copyright 2021 Gerd Beuster ( This is free
      2 ;;; software under the GNU GPL v3 license or any later version. See
      3 ;;; COPYING in the root directory for details.
      5 ;;; 
      6 ;;; Special commands for ANSI terminals
      7 ;;; 
      9 term .namespace 
     10 .section rom
     12 ;;; ANSI text attributes
     13 plain = 0
     14 bold = 1
     15 blink = 5
     16 reverse = 7
     18 ;;; ANSI colors
     19 black = 0
     20 red = 1
     21 green = 2
     22 yellow = 3
     23 blue = 4
     24 magenta = 5
     25 cyan = 6
     26 white = 7
     27 bright_black = 8
     28 bright_red = 9
     29 bright_green = 10
     30 bright_yellow = 11
     31 bright_blue = 12
     32 bright_magenta = 13
     33 bright_cyan = 14
     34 bright_white = 15
     36 ;;; get_screen_size
     37 ;;;   Returns screen size in X, A.
     38 ;;;   If not supported by terminal, C is set
     39 ;;;   Input:
     40 ;;;     -
     41 ;;;   Output:
     42 ;;;     X: Screen width
     43 ;;;	A: Screen height
     44 ;;;   Changes:
     45 ;;;     a, x, y, c
     46 get_screen_size:
     47 	.block
     48 	jsr ds.create_stack_frame
     49 	#ds.PUSH $02
     50 	cursor_save_x = 0	; Local variable
     51 	cursor_save_y = 1	; Local variable
     52 	;; Local variables 0 & 1: Saved cursor position
     53 	jsr term.get_cursor	; Save cursor position
     54 	bcs terminal_does_not_answer
     55 	#ds.sta_LOCAL cursor_save_y
     56 	txa
     57 	#ds.sta_LOCAL cursor_save_x
     58 	#SET_CURSOR #$FF, #$FF	; Try to move cursor to max. position
     59 	jsr term.get_cursor	; Get cursor position (= screen size)
     60 	pha			; Save it temporary
     61 	txa			; on the
     62 	pha			; hardware stack.
     63 	#ds.lda_LOCAL cursor_save_x	; Restore
     64 	tax			; old
     65 	#ds.lda_LOCAL cursor_save_y	; cursor
     66 	jsr term.set_cursor	; position
     67 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
     68 	pla
     69 	tax
     70 	pla
     71 	rts
     72 terminal_does_not_answer:
     73 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
     74 	ldx #80
     75 	lda #25
     76 	rts
     77 	.bend
     79 clear_screen:	
     80 	#io.PRINTS x"1b" .. "[2J"
     81 	rts
     83 set_color:
     84 	pha
     85 	#io.PRINTS x"1b" .. "[38;5;"
     86 	pla
     87 	jsr io.putd
     88 	lda #"m"
     89 	jmp io.putc
     91 set_background_color:
     92 	pha
     93 	#io.PRINTS x"1b" .. "[48;5;"
     94 	pla
     95 	jsr io.putd
     96 	lda #"m"
     97 	jmp io.putc
     99 set_text:
    100 	tax
    101 	lda #"m"
    102 	jmp send_CSI
    104 cursor_up:
    105 	tax
    106 	lda #"A"
    107 	jmp send_CSI
    109 cursor_down:
    110 	tax
    111 	lda #"B"
    112 	jmp send_CSI
    114 cursor_forward:
    115 	tax
    116 	lda #"C"
    117 	jmp send_CSI
    119 cursor_back:
    120 	tax
    121 	lda #"D"
    122 	jmp send_CSI
    124 scroll_up:
    125 	tax
    126 	lda #"S"
    127 	jmp send_CSI
    129 scroll_down:
    130 	tax
    131 	lda #"T"
    132 	jmp send_CSI
    134 ;;; Send ANSI escape sequence to terminal.
    135 ;;; A contains command, X value
    136 send_CSI:
    137 	pha
    138 	phx
    139 	lda #$1b
    140 	jsr io.putc
    141 	lda #"["
    142 	jsr io.putc
    143 	pla
    144 	jsr io.putd
    145 	pla
    146 	jmp io.putc
    148 ;;; set_cursor
    149 ;;;   Sets cursor to position x, a.
    150 ;;;   Position starts at 1, not 0!
    151 ;;;   Input:
    152 ;;;     x: x position
    153 ;;; 	a: y position
    154 ;;;   Output:
    155 ;;;     -
    156 ;;;   Changes:
    157 ;;;     a, x, y, c
    158 ;;; Set Cursor; x position in X, y position in A
    159 set_cursor:
    160 	phx
    161 	pha
    162 	lda #$1b
    163 	jsr io.putc
    164 	lda #"["
    165 	jsr io.putc
    166 	pla
    167 	jsr io.putd
    168 	lda #";"
    169 	jsr io.putc
    170 	pla
    171 	jsr io.putd
    172 	lda #"H"
    173 	jmp io.putc
    175 ;;; get_cursor
    176 ;;;   Store cursor position in x, a.
    177 ;;;   Position starts at 1, not 0!
    178 ;;;   Input:
    179 ;;;     -
    180 ;;;   Output:
    181 ;;;     x: x position
    182 ;;; 	a: y position
    183 ;;;   Changes:
    184 ;;;     a, x, y, c
    185 get_cursor:
    186 	.block
    187 	jsr ds.create_stack_frame
    188 	#ds.PUSH $08		; Position as string
    189 	;; We store the position string as local variables.
    190 	;; By initializing the local variables with #$00,
    191 	;; the strings terminate automatically when no
    192 	;; more digits are written.
    193 	lda #$00
    194 	.for i = 0, i < 8, i += 1
    195 		#ds.sta_LOCAL i
    196 	.next
    197 	;; Request cursor position
    198 	#io.PRINTS x"1b" .. "[6n"
    199 	;; Read answer
    200 	ldx #$08		; Number of tries
    201 	ldy #$ff		; to get an answer.
    202 wait_for_answer:
    203 	phx
    204 	phy
    205 	jsr io.getc_nonblocking	; $1b
    206 	ply
    207 	plx
    208 	bcc terminal_answers
    209 	dey
    210 	cpy #$00
    211 	bne wait_for_answer
    212 	dex
    213 	cpx #$00
    214 	bne wait_for_answer
    215 	;; Terminal does not answer.
    216 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    217 	lda #$00
    218 	ldx #$00
    219 	sec
    220 	rts
    221 terminal_answers:
    222 	jsr io.getc		; "["
    223 	jsr io.getc		; First digit y
    224 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 0
    225 	jsr io.getc		; Second digit y
    226 	cmp #";"
    227 	beq got_y_position
    228 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 1
    229 	jsr io.getc		; Third digit y
    230 	cmp #";"
    231 	beq got_y_position
    232 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 2
    233 	jsr io.getc		; Read and ignore terminating ';'
    234 got_y_position:	
    235 	jsr io.getc		; First digit x
    236 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 4
    237 	jsr io.getc		; Second digit x
    238 	cmp #"R"
    239 	beq got_x_position
    240 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 5
    241 	jsr io.getc		; Third digit x
    242 	cmp #"R"
    243 	beq got_x_position
    244 	#ds.sta_LOCAL 6
    245 	jsr io.getc		; Read and ignore terminating 'R'
    246 got_x_position:	
    247 	;; x position is in local variable(s) 4...
    248 	;; y position is in local variable(s) 0...
    249 	;; Convert them to ints
    250 	#ds.CALL io.str2byte, [0, 1, 2, 3], #ds.lda_LOCAL
    251 	#ds.lda_PARAM 0
    252 	pha
    253 	#ds.CALL io.str2byte, [4, 5, 6, 7], #ds.lda_LOCAL
    254 	#ds.lda_PARAM 0
    255 	pha
    256 	jsr ds.delete_stack_frame
    257 	plx
    258 	pla
    259 	clc
    260 	rts
    261 	.bend
    263 .send rom
    264 .endn