reset.html (716B)
1 "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n" 2 "<html lang=\"de\">\r\n" 3 " <head>\r\n" 4 " <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n" 5 " <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10; URL=/\">\r\n" 6 " <title>Reset</title>\r\n" 7 " <style>\r\n" 8 "button{width:10em;}\r\n" 9 "@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px){\r\n" 10 "html{font-size : 300%%; line-height: 50%%;}\r\n" 11 "button{font-size : 200%%; width:10em;}\r\n" 12 "}\r\n" 13 " </style>\r\n" 14 " </head>\r\n" 15 " <body>\r\n" 16 " <h1>Reset</h1>\r\n" 17 " <p>Restarting device ...</p>\r\n" 18 " <p>You will be re-directed to the main page in 10 seconds.\r\n" 19 " This will only work if your device and\r\n" 20 " the web browser are on the same network.</p>\r\n" 21 " </body>\r\n" 22 "</html>\r\n";